The Big Idea: Jesus can forgive you. Join us today in our series, Discovering King Jesus, to learn 5 realities about the heart of the Christian message.
The Big Idea: The business of Jesus is to reign - and the reign of Jesus brings restoration. Please join us today for part 38 of our ongoing series in…
The Big Idea: Jesus can still the storm. Join us for part 37 of our series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn 3 reasons Jesus can still the…
The Big Idea: A disciple follows Jesus. In part 36 of Discovering King Jesus, we look at Matthew 8:18-23 to find 2 realities of following Jesus.
The Big Idea: King Jesus came to heal. Today's sermon is part 35 of our series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. We learn 3 important reasons why Jesus came to…
The Big Idea: God's Word is enough to change anyone's life. Please join us today for part 34 of our series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn 3…
The Big Idea: Jesus can make you clean. Join us for part 33 of our continuing series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn 7 lessons a leper teaches…
The Big Idea: Build Wisely! We invite you to join us today for part 32 of our series in Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. Today we learn 5 facts about the…
The Big Idea: Not everyone with credentials gets to enter. We invite you to join us today in part 31 of our series in Matthew, "Discovering King Jesus." Today we…
The Big Idea: What's within bears itself out. Today we return to our series in the book of Matthew, Discovering King Jesus. We invite you to join us today to…